Well-designed Programs

in hive-148497 •  3 years ago 

Corporate wellness initiatives have gradually become expected by the multigenerational workforce, and companies are required to adapt. But purchasing a ping-pong table or offering a discount at the gym next door is no longer enough. Check it here. https://cutt.ly/MedicalWellnessPotentialDemand Sponsored post

With limited budgets, competing priorities, and many other daily challenges, why corporate wellness on your radar? It might be simple: healthy employees lead to healthy companies. If employees could get sick, overweight, stressed, sleep-deprived, or disengaged, the company might not thrive.

These programs could be a win-win in the workplace world, where “ healthier employees are happier, and happier employees are more productive,” which leads to corporate financial health. Check disclaimer on profile and landing page.

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Wellness program is an advantage during these pandemic crisis.

Wellness program is
An advantage during these
Pandemic crisis.

                 - spuffy

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

I admired these other companies and their efforts to promote health wellness for their employees.

Indeed, I could agree that when employees are happier they could also be more productive than ever.

Mental health does really matter in the work place, it could affect the productivity and efficiency of the employees, assisting them to get better mentally might potentially help to achieve goals. Very great idea indeed.

We have to normalize these win-win programs in the workplace to have a healthier environment.

It is really good to know that corporates are now giving attention to its employees and their well-being very awesome news really.

This might be worth the try having healthy productive employees could make a change.

These programs could potentially prevent sickly employees. This could be a good preventive measure.

I also think that organizations could give employees access to fitness facility so they don't have to pay for gym registration outside.

This article was right! Healthy employees might lead to healthy companies

I agree that this kind of concept is a win-win to both parties. Hoping other companies could have this kind of program. this might potentially help us

If employees have a healthy mind and body then productivity could be great. this needs to be part of the companies

I have a friend who gave me some advice about using a smartwatch for my fitness tracking.

Employers need to make sure that their employees are healthy. It's for their benefit also

I am planning to tell this idea to our team leader. This content might be helpful, especially with his health conditions.

Happy employees are inspired thus doing productive work.

My work is on the night shift. so I might consider myself as a nocturnal creature. Sounds funny right? However, this affects my health so from now on I need to take care of myself more.

Indeed work is stressful also adding up my health consciousness. My back often hurts and I couldn't focus on my tasks. your info motivated me so I decided to do some exercises. thanks

these people behind these wellness programs really know what they're doing, aside from a perfectly job well done. they're helping employees maintain a state of balance