SteemFoods User Verification System Continues ! | 14-Day Report ( Weeks 21-22 ) 1400+ Verified Accounts |

in hive-148497 •  4 years ago  (edited)

Hello Everyone:

Today, I will share with you the 21st and 22nd Week report of the Verification System, which I started 22 weeks ago, in the SteemFoods Community. First of all, I would like to thank all our users who participated in the Verification System, this system is very important because it allows us to see our real users and active users in the Community. One of the biggest benefits of this system was to prevent the use of two accounts on steemit and to help the steemit curator team to vote for real users. I will share the Verification System reports every 14 days or monthly depending on the number of new participants. In addition, I take note of the region and country information of each user participating in the Verification System in a special table I have prepared. **I will soon share the Second Version of the Verification System, "This Me Button".** Even though I had designed and planned this system a long time ago, I could not start it due to the intensity of the program. Let's examine the other information below and the 14-day Verification System Report.

14-Day Report Verification .png

NOTE : With a special rule I added to the Verification System 3 months ago, only users who have completed Achievement 1 in NewComer's Community in the SteemFoods Community will now have a verified account badge. So if you haven't completed Achievement 1 in NewComer's Community yet, please complete it and then join the SteemFoods Verification System.

A Significant Improvement for the Verification System : Complete First Achievement 1❗📣

To the Attention of Users with Reputation Points between 25 and 45

I have prepared a post with detailed information for our users with a reputation score below 45 in the SteemFoods Community. If you are new to the Steemit platform and SteemFoods Community, I strongly recommend that you join NewComer's Community. It may be difficult for our users who do not reach a certain reputation score in the future to gain voting support. So join the NewComer's Community, and complete all missions in this community. You can learn how to increase your reputation score and improve yourself on the steemit platform and in the SteemFoods Community by reviewing the post below.

Verification System - New Report-3.png

Please review our guidelines below before creating content in the SteemFoods Community.

SteemFoods Community Rules: What Are The Rules Of The SteemFoods Community?

How Can I Join the Verification System?

It is quite simple to join the Verification System. You can verify your account by posting your SteemFoods + Date and your Steemit username on a piece of paper and sharing a selfie photo in the comment section of this post. After checking the accounts of our users who join this system, I distribute verified account badges. (✅)

  • Make sure that the image and text quality of your selfie photo is readable + visible. I find it very difficult to see and read the articles of some of our users.

Sample Comments and Selfie Photos for Verification System:

You can easily prepare the verification selfie photo by examining the photos below.

I try to check all the comments in the verification system, but I continue to work for many developments other than the verification system during the day. So please be patient after sharing your verification photo. In addition, many users do not share the selfie photo as a comment under the current announcement of the verification system. I obtain the statistical data of the verification system by examining the comment section, so be sure to share your selfie photo under the current verification announcement.

  • If you shared your verification selfie photo but your account is not verified, please re-share your selfie photo in the comment section of this post.

  • Our new users who will join the Verification system should share their selfie photos in the comments section of this post. That way, I can more easily check your selfie photo and quickly verify your account and add your verified account badge next to your name.

14-Day Report Report ( Weeks 21.22)

I shared our previous Verification Report on the SteemFoods Community 14 days ago. In the Verification System Report I shared 14 days ago, 1366+ users joined the system and I completed the distribution of verified account badges for 1366+ users. Within 14 days, +34 more users joined the Verification System and I successfully completed the distribution of verified account badges to 1400+ users on the steem blockchain. Our goal is to reach 2000+ real users and complete the distribution of verified account badges. To be a part of the SteemFoods Community, you must at least join this system, the Verification System is the best way to see real subscribers and users.

Previous Verification System Announcements:

SteemFoods User Verification System Continues ! | Monthly Report ( Weeks ) 1366+ Verified Accounts |

SteemFoods User Verification System Continues ! | 16th Weeek : 1333+ Verified Accounts |

SteemFoods User Verification System Continues ! | 15th Weeek : 1291+ Verified Accounts |

SteemFoods User Verification System Continues ! | 14th Weeek : 1258+ Verified Accounts |

SteemFoods User Verification System Continues ! | 13th Weeek : 1227+ Verified Accounts |

SteemFoods User Verification System Continues ! | 12th Weeek : 1193+ Verified Accounts |

SteemFoods User Verification System Continues ! | 11th Weeek : 1162+ Verified Accounts |

SteemFoods User Verification System Continues ! | 10th Weeek : 1124+ Verified Accounts |

SteemFoods User Verification System Continues ! | 9th Weeek : 1075+ Verified Accounts |

SteemFoods User Verification System Continues ! | 8th Weeek : 1K+ Verified Accounts |

SteemFoods User Verification System Continues ! | 7th Weeek : 859+ Verified Accounts |

SteemFoods User Verification System Continues ! | 40 Days : 723+ Verified Accounts |

SteemFoods User Verification System Continues ! | 30 Days : 564+ Verified Accounts |

SteemFoods User Verification System Starts! | Verified Account Badge Distribution ☑

SteemFoods User Verification System Continues ! | 250+ Verified Accounts | 250+ Verified Account Badges ✅

SteemFoods User Verification System Continues ! | 20 Days : 400+ Verified Accounts |


Quick Delegation Links:

50 SP

100 SP

250 SP

500 SP

1000 SP

2500 SP


Background Photos Source

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Hello @steemitfoods this is my verification picture



Hola amigo @alikoc07 & @steemitfoods, por acá les dejo mi verificación saludos 😘


Muchas gracias por participar en el sistema de verificación de usuarios. Su cuenta ha sido verificada con éxito. Agregué su insignia de cuenta verificada junto a su nombre. Felicidades . No olvides agregar una foto selfie según el contenido que hayas preparado en tu contenido en la Comunidad SteemFoods. :)

Gracias amigo @alikoc07 ❤️✨


Hola amigo @alikoc07 por aquí mi verificación.. Saludos 👍

Que bueno que te estés verificando en #steemfoods y contamos con nuestra amiga representante venezolana @rypo01

Hi😊 @steemitfoods and sir @alikoc07 this is my verification photo.


Thank you.

Good day !
@steemitfoods here's my verification .Cc @alikoc07

Thank you very much for participating in the user verification system. Your account has been successfully verified. I've added your verified account badge next to your name. Congratulations . Do not forget to add a selfie photo according to the content you have prepared in your content in the SteemFoods Community. :)

Thank you so much sir @alikoc07

Hello @steemitfoods, this is my verification photo. Thank you so much :)

Hello @steemfoods this is my verification post,thanks.



Thank you very much for participating in the user verification system. Your account has been successfully verified. I've added your verified account badge next to your name. Congratulations . Do not forget to add a selfie photo according to the content you have prepared in your content in the SteemFoods Community. :)

Thank you so much :)

Hola estimados amigos de @steemFoods, estoy muy emocionada de poder ser verificada en esta grandiosa familia y compartir con todos ustedes mis contenidos. Espero con ansias su grata verificación! Gracias @alikoc07


Muchas gracias por participar en el sistema de verificación de usuarios. Su cuenta ha sido verificada con éxito. Agregué su insignia de cuenta verificada junto a su nombre. Felicidades . No olvides agregar una foto selfie según el contenido que hayas preparado en tu contenido en la Comunidad SteemFoods. :)

Hi @alicok07 and @ngoenyi, here is my verification picture.



Hi @steemfood, this is my verification post.





Hello @steemfoods here is my verification


Hola buenas @steemitfoods y @alikoc07 aqui esta mi foto de verificación. Gracias.


Muchas gracias por participar en el sistema de verificación de usuarios. Su cuenta ha sido verificada con éxito. Agregué su insignia de cuenta verificada junto a su nombre. Felicidades . No olvides agregar una foto selfie según el contenido que hayas preparado en tu contenido en la Comunidad SteemFoods. :)


Hola Buenas Noches amigos de @steemFoods y @alikoc07 aquí les dejo mi foto de verificación espero poder formar parte de esta gran familia.


Gracias, Un Cordial Saludo.
firma sola 200cm.png

Muchas gracias por participar en el sistema de verificación de usuarios. Su cuenta ha sido verificada con éxito. Agregué su insignia de cuenta verificada junto a su nombre. Felicidades . No olvides agregar una foto selfie según el contenido que hayas preparado en tu contenido en la Comunidad SteemFoods. :)

Muchas Gracias por acéptame en esta grandiosa comunidad.

Hello @steemfoods this is my verification post.


Special thanks to @ngoenyi and @alikoc07




Uploading image #1...

Buenas tarde mi usuario es @thomblanco25 y quiero verificarme en la cuenta de steemitfoods


Muchas gracias por participar en el sistema de verificación de usuarios. Su cuenta ha sido verificada con éxito. Agregué su insignia de cuenta verificada junto a su nombre. Felicidades . No olvides agregar una foto selfie según el contenido que hayas preparado en tu contenido en la Comunidad SteemFoods. :)

Gracias por la oportunidad.

Hola buenas tardes @steemfoods y @alikoc07, aquí les dejo mi publicación para la verificación. Deseo pertenecer a esta gran comunidad.


Muchas gracias por participar en el sistema de verificación de usuarios. Su cuenta ha sido verificada con éxito. Agregué su insignia de cuenta verificada junto a su nombre. Felicidades . No olvides agregar una foto selfie según el contenido que hayas preparado en tu contenido en la Comunidad SteemFoods. :)

Hola, @alikoc07 muchisimas gracias por la verificación. Contenta de formar parte en la cominidad SteemFoods, Bendiciones.

Hi @steemitfoods, here is my verification.

Hola comunidad de SteemFoods por aquí me presentación para ser verificado mi nombre es Jorge Luis tengo 13 años y soy de Venezuela estado Aragua.


Muchas gracias por participar en el sistema de verificación de usuarios. Su cuenta ha sido verificada con éxito. Agregué su insignia de cuenta verificada junto a su nombre. Felicidades . No olvides agregar una foto selfie según el contenido que hayas preparado en tu contenido en la Comunidad SteemFoods. :)

Muchas gracias


Thank you very much for participating in the user verification system. Your account has been successfully verified. I've added your verified account badge next to your name. Congratulations . Do not forget to add a selfie photo according to the content you have prepared in your content in the SteemFoods Community. :)


This is my verification selfie @alikoc07 & @ngoenyi


I hope I am verified soon 🔜

Hola @steemitfoods, aquí dejo mi selfie para mi verificación por favor, salu2 desde Venezuela

WhatsApp Image 2021-08-25 at 10.53.25 AM.jpeg

Muchas gracias por participar en el sistema de verificación de usuarios. Su cuenta ha sido verificada con éxito. Agregué su insignia de cuenta verificada junto a su nombre. Felicidades . No olvides agregar una foto selfie según el contenido que hayas preparado en tu contenido en la Comunidad SteemFoods. :)

Hello @SteemFoods. Here is my photo for verification.


Thank you very much for participating in the user verification system. Your account has been successfully verified. I've added your verified account badge next to your name. Congratulations . Do not forget to add a selfie photo according to the content you have prepared in your content in the SteemFoods Community. :)

Thanks @alikoc07

Hi @steemitfoods. verifikasi akun saya @nadilchairi. Cc @alikoc07


Terima kasih banyak telah berpartisipasi dalam sistem verifikasi pengguna. Akun Anda telah berhasil diverifikasi. Saya telah menambahkan lencana akun terverifikasi Anda di sebelah nama Anda. Selamat . Jangan lupa untuk menambahkan foto selfie sesuai dengan konten yang telah Anda siapkan di konten Anda di Komunitas SteemFoods. :)

Terima kasih..



Esta es mi verificacion!!!


Muchas gracias por participar en el sistema de verificación de usuarios. Su cuenta ha sido verificada con éxito. Agregué su insignia de cuenta verificada junto a su nombre. Felicidades . No olvides agregar una foto selfie según el contenido que hayas preparado en tu contenido en la Comunidad SteemFoods. :)

gracias!!; perfecto

Hola buen dia, dejo mi selfie para que me verifiquen por favor @rypo01.


Muchas gracias por participar en el sistema de verificación de usuarios. Su cuenta ha sido verificada con éxito. Agregué su insignia de cuenta verificada junto a su nombre. Felicidades . No olvides agregar una foto selfie según el contenido que hayas preparado en tu contenido en la Comunidad SteemFoods. :)

Hello @steemitfoods this is my verification picture

Hello @steemitfoods this is my verification picture


Thank you very much for participating in the user verification system. Your account has been successfully verified. I've added your verified account badge next to your name. Congratulations . Do not forget to add a selfie photo according to the content you have prepared in your content in the SteemFoods Community. :)

ready sir, thank you very much for the verification sir, I always follow the rules or orders ordered by the Steem foods community, and I will carry out well.

Once again thank you very much sir @alikoc07

Hello @steemfoods this is my verification post.
Thanks for having me. To the notice of @ngoenyi


Thank you very much for participating in the user verification system. Your account has been successfully verified. I've added your verified account badge next to your name. Congratulations . Do not forget to add a selfie photo according to the content you have prepared in your content in the SteemFoods Community. :)

I really appreciate @alikoc07 for your time and warm welcome.
I really appreciate.
Thanks once more for your support.

Hola buenas tardes esta es mi imagen de verificación soy @dugle30div, mi nombre es Divonny Duglendiv De los angeles Romero Marín tengo 20 años de edad; mis expectativas con la unión a esta comunidad de @steemitfoods es lograr compartir parte de mi vida con ustedes. Soy de Venezuela específicamente del Estado Aragua villa de cura, actualmente soy estudiante universitario de la carrera Control de tránsito aéreo, me encantan los aviones y todo lo relacionado con ellos. Espero poder compartir con ustedes un poco de mis habilidades en la cocina y poder cumplir todas aquellas metas que me propongo en esta nueva etapa de mi vida.

Dios es mi guía y nunca me faltará, Bendiciones ❤️

Esperando su pronta respuesta y aceptación a está comunidad.
@alikoc07 @steemfoods


Hola : @dugle30div

Gracias por unirse al sistema de verificación, primero debe completar el logro 1 en la comunidad de recién llegados antes de que pueda distribuir su insignia de cuenta verificada a su cuenta. Agregaré la insignia de cuenta verificada junto a su nombre si lo informa después de completar el Logro 1.

Hello @steemfoods and @alikoc07, please verify me

Thank you for participating in this verification exercise.

Thanks alot ma'am

Muy Buenas tardes @steemfoods y @alikoc07, aquí mi publicación de verificación , para poder pertenecer a esta hermosa comunidad y así poder compartir mis recetas con todos ustedes.


Hola @steemfoods, respondiendo a su sugerencia @nedikey. @aliKoc07