Hello friends, this is my recipe for porridge yam and beans preparation.
Ingredients ;
Red oil
Dry gosh
To start;
- Wash the beans at least twice.
My water on fire
- Put your pot on fire and add water to boil.
Adding the beans and slices onions to make it soften
While the water is boiling, add the beans and slices of onions to soften the beans Faster.
While your beans is on fire, peel your yam and cut in smaller sizes. Ps: I already cut mine before hand
Once the beans has softened, add the yam, fish, pepper, salt and leave it for some time (at least 10-15 mins)
Then finally add red oil and allow for 2 mins.
Me stirring the food
- Then stir the food together, taste the food to make sure it's taste is desirable.
- Food is ready!