Interest rate. “Polite” robbery from ancient slave owners that has plagued our modern world.

in hive-148864 •  2 months ago 

The interest rate is a commonplace phenomenon that many people perceive as a norm of life. If we look at it in more detail, we will discover how destructive an impact it has had and continues to have, disguised as various beautiful expressions and phrases.

This article does not intend to hurt the feelings of others or offend anyone. We are all human and can make mistakes. Voicing different points of view gives us the opportunity to look at things differently, more objectively.

So, where did the idea come from that a debt can be paid in excess of the amount of the debt, who introduced the concept of “interest rate on lending” ?
Maybe it was introduced by talented economists after painstaking research with scientific justification ?
No. Not even close. These ideas originated among ancient slave owners using people for slave labor.

The principle of polite robbery is always the same: “I will lend you money, and you return more than I lend you.” Which is a violation of the borrower’s rights. You cannot demand that a person return what you did not give him. And if the lender wants to make a profit, then he must assume the risks of losing the money that he invests. This will be fair.

The whole point is that in order to make money, it is necessary to produce a service / product that is useful to people. But, for this, you need to spend energy, resources. In addition, this is also the risk of losing the resources spent.

Robbers want to make a profit by avoiding all the costs and risks associated with entrepreneurship. This is impossible except by violating the rights of other people, illegally appropriating their funds. When scientists, entrepreneurs, traders, artisans are looking for opportunities to create value for people, a polite robber is looking for a victim who will take on all the risks of losing money and will pay him a profit in the form of interest on the loan.

The lender has the right to take collateral — property that will ensure the return of the debt amount if the debtor fails to repay the debt on time. It should be understood that the debt does not bring material benefit to the creditor. Debt is selfless help to a person in a difficult situation. Such support strengthens social ties between the rich and the poor, and fosters mutual support.

The world went crazy the moment debt turned into a source of income for the creditor. And people and companies that create value lost access to money on fair terms. This became the cause of offenses transmitted to all social groups. Since an offense always creates a new offense against those with whom those whose rights were violated earlier interact.

If you want a good attitude, eat quality affordable food, have comfortable housing, advanced technology, well-paid jobs, developed medicine, etc., just remember that these benefits come to you through people, through a good attitude towards people, justice and respect for their rights.
Снимок экрана 2025-01-18 205621.png

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