The mission of the non-profit coin-business project is to support and develop ethical small businesses using available technologies and tools.
Since the current financial system serves mainly large businesses, we lack financial institutions to support small private businesses. Therefore, cB will serve the interests of private small ethical businesses and businesses.
coin-business is building an ecosystem based on security for people. This rule defines the classification of business by the term “ethical”.
Since coin-business is a community of Internet users for whom a person, his life, health, mind and intellect, his money and property, honor and dignity of a person, free will, culture and religion of a person are an inviolable value. And any activity against the values of the community cannot be considered an “ethical business” by coin-business and will not be supported.
Thus, the international non-profit company coinBusiness is managed by a team working remotely from different countries. The work of the team is controlled by the community of Internet users. .