Understanding Ransomware

in hive-150122 •  3 months ago 

Hello guys, welcome back to this space, I hope y'all are keeping well. It's a bit cool here because it rained, I do not really know what the weather is like over there. Just be good guys! So today I've got something interesting to share with you once again...by the way, hope you got value from my last post, I want to believe your response is a yes...smiles.

Today we would be looking at the topic Ransom malware, it's quite an interesting topic and of course the reason for sharing all of this is just to equip us and keep us safe in this terrain. Kindly sit back and enjoy every bit of what I've got to share.


Not all attack are actually aimed at getting your keys or something, some are just a means to an end. The goal for all these hackers and scammer are usually to get money off you, I mean your hard earned money. And that's why they have deviced several means to get this done by all means.

They know that if one doesn't work, another should do. Ransom malware is another strategy these folks have deviced. Here you have to pay them from getting their malware off your device which by now have already been infected by their subtle means. We would get to know more about this in subsequent sessions of this post. Let's get right in.

What is Ransomware

A crypto ransomware is another malicious attack carried out by an hacker by encrypting data on their victims device or system via a malware and then demands for ransom to restore it or make it functional again. This attack is targeted not only on individual but corporate bodies alike where there is a lot of potential for massive cash out in form of ransom.

At this point, these victims have three choices. They may decide to just succumb and pay the ransom which is the first option, they could try to fix the malware whose chances are slim and lastly they could choose to restart the device which would make them lost virtually everything on that device especially in a case where they do not have a backup. You can see it's such a dicey situation.


This encryption is done in such a way that not all data on the device is disabled, some remain functional while others are completely disabled. They could even go ahead to free some of the data they have initially disabled just to make you know they are actually in charge and could free your device only if the ransom is paid in full. Some very daring ones would add a timeframe or window for you to take action, if not...

How does this work

There is a chronological order on how this ransomware technique play out. It doesn't just occured suddenly. Let's get to understand it.

The very first step is introducing the malware into the victims system and this is done in different ways. They could use the phishing technique, sending you unsolicited mails, or get this done when you visit some website and download these malware unknown to you. They could also take advantage of some vulnerability in corporate account login info to plant these malwares.

The next phase is encrypting all or part of the data on the device where the malware have been successfully planted. Although they tend to ignore programs and system files that aid the smooth running of the device.

Afterwards they leave a note on the victims device which contains their contact and specific instruction on how to get your system fixed and free from the malware. This message is positioned in areas where you could easily find them, usually on the desktop, they could appear on the wallpaper so you can easily contact them.


Lastly, when you decide to takes action, you then have to pay them, you pay them in cryptocurrency.. Of course the address where the crypto will be paid into would be clearly stated in the message. The reason for accepting crypto as payment is not far fetched, it makes them pseudonymous without a clear identity which makes them untraceable especially when it's not some address from an exchange where KYC is done.

Preventive Measures

Anti-Ransomware Solution: This is specifically design to fight intrusion of malware into a system. They detect it early enough and prevent it from gaining entry. With this in place your system is safe. This should be one of the sure bet for cooperate organizations.

Strong Authentication: This is also very important, so many account were compromised because the authentication system were not solid enough or was not even in place, so the security layer was breached and injected with malware. To guard against this, you need a multi-factor authentication.

Data Backup: Backing up your data on some external storage is key so that when you device get hacked some how, you can save yourself from paying the ransom demanded since you have your data stored up somewhere in some external storage.

User Education: The need for this cannot be overemphasized, we all need to be educated on how this things work. The major way they inject this malware into the system is via phishing, once you know that it's dangerous to click on link you ain't sure of even via your email then you're safe to an extent. Continous knowledge would always guide you.

Bottom Line

I believe by now we know what an a Ransomware attack is and it negative impact. We just have to be careful on how we click link and visit some untrusted website. It would save us from a lot of headache.

I trust you've gotten so much from this piece. As my usual custom is, I would always encourage that you DYOR to be sure of every financial step you would want to take as I won't be liable for any form of loss encountered by you.

Feel free to share with me your thoughts in the comment section. Thanks for your time once again. Gracias!

Disclaimer: This post is made as an education and not investment advice. Digital asset prices are subject to change. All forms of crypto investment have a high risk. I am not a financial advisor, before jumping to any conclusions in this matter please do your own research and consult a financial advisor.



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