Routing Attack And It's Mode Of Operation

in hive-150122 •  2 days ago 



So, you basically know how in a system or network, a blockchain network in this instance, there is transmission and exchange of data and information between the different nodes in the blockchain network well, routing is basically the process involved in choosing the different paths these data or information will take to get to their destination.

With that been said we can now go to define what a Routing Attack is, a routing attack can be defined as the type of attack that takes advantage of the imperfections and vulnerabilities of the protocols and mechanisms used to determine the paths in which data and information will be transferred or move in a network.

Just like any other cryptographic attack the routing attack has certain negative impacts like disrupting the efficient transmission of information that aside, the major focus of this post of mine today is to discuss and explain the some of the different modes of operation of the routing attacks.

  • Black Hole Attacks

The first mode or method in which routing attack operates as chosen by me is something called a black hole attack, this in itself is another type of attack, a sub attack of the routing attack, what it does and how it does it is basically when an attacker falsely represents a node as having the most efficient path to a destination.

Once the data or information is then given to this compromised node, the attacker then absorbs all the data and information meant to be transmitted to a certain destination with the name black hole was given to this attack since like a literal black hole it creates a node where data is irretrievably lost.

Therefore, the routing attack operates through this black hole attack by basically falsely representing itself as has having the most efficient path or route to any destination and once the data or information is sent to the attackers node, he then does whatever he wants with the data hence, disrupting the transmission and routing of data.

  • Gray Hole Attacks

The second mode of operation of the routing attack as selected by me it the gray hole attack, this type of attack is a type of black hole attack, except where the black hole attack absorbs all data packets that is sent to it, the gray hole on the other hand selects certain parts of the data to absorb, it does this sometimes based on the source or origin of the data or the destination of the data.

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Additionally, the gray hole attack when compared to the black hole is very much difficult to detect or determine the node in the network that is compromised and propagating or carrying out the attack on the network however there certain measures that could be taken to prevent this attack, the network can employ the use of detection system to determine the changes in data traffic.


I must say that the names of these mode of operation or the sub attacks of the routing attacks are very interesting black hole, gray hole and worm hole, in this sub heading we are to discuss the wormhole attack as a routing attack mode of operation.

A wormhole attack is a type of attack that basically operates by an attacker using at least two or more nodes, creating a kind literal wormhole in the sense of a high speed link as a result when they receive data packets they're able to transmit them faster to another location hence cretaing a false impression that the node has a more efficient path or route.

Wormhole attack does not actually compromise the network in itself, all it does is just to cause and deceives other legitimate nodes into making use of compromised nodes for routing data packets and information however, it can be used to facilitate other attcaks like the routing attack and that is why it is dangerous.

  • Sybil Attacks

There are some blockchain network whose routing protocols and security measures are not so advanced and as a result lacks an identity verification mechanism and as a result of this leaves itself open, susceptible and prone to certain security risks and attacks like the sybil attack for example.

The sybil attack is one of the mode of operation of the routing attack, it basically occurs when an attacker uses a single or one node to create and take up multiple identities in the network leading to a kind of centralization of authority as the attacker with the use of a single node would be able to control very large amount of the network.

Therefore inorder to fight against and prevent this attack networks must make sure to employ and implement advanced mechanisms and robust security measures that is able to verify and authenticate the identity of its users and the different nodes.



To conclude this post of mine let me start by saying thank you to all my fellow steemians who would be reading this post and that I hope you enjoyed reading and have been able to learn a thing or two about the different modes of operation of the routing attack and in some cases how it can be prevented.

To refresh your memory some of these modes of operations includes the black hole attack, the gray hole attack, the wormhole attack and finally the last but definitely not the least, the sybil attack.

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