Collision Attack And How It Can Be Avoided In The Blockchain

in hive-150122 •  3 months ago 

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Collision attack, this is a type of attack that occurs as a result of the imperfections or flaws of the hashing algorithm, basically when the algorithm of the hashing function is not adequate attackers can target this weakness leading to where two separate or different inputs can then now produce or give the same hash output.

Additionally this weakness of a network's hash function can serve as a weak spot which can be targeted by attackers to facilitate and carry out many other types and forms of attacks apart from the collision attack and also every type of security breaches therefore, it is important that we look into the matter of inadequate hash function algorithm.

Therefore, pay attention to this post of mine as I will be discussing and explaining some of the effective ways and steps to take so as to avoid the cryptographic attack known as collision attack in the blockchain network and ecosystem.


This first method or way of preventing collision attack is a no brainer, I mean if the attack is facilitated by or because of weakness in the algorithms of hash functions, the first thing one should do is to try and fortify this hash function or even implement and apply a new more advanced and cryptographically robust one.

In the world of cryptographic hash function algorithms and mechanisms, there exists a range of different hash functions specifically based on their cryptographic robustness and technological advancement therefore depending on certain specifications a developer is sure to find a hash function that is immune to collision attack.

Therefore, to mitigate or permanently eliminate the possibility of a collision attack cryptographers and developers Should always have it in the back of their mind to choose a hash function with enhanced security features and protocols hence, they can ensure the integrity of the network from at least collision attacks.


Have you all ever heard about "salt" or "salting" well a salt in regards or in relation to cryptocurrency, or as a cryptocurrency term is a random value added to a message or an input before it is hashed and its effect is that it increases the defense against collision attack so that even if the inputs are the same as long as the salt is different it will produce different hash output.


Therefore the technique of salting can be said to be a very effective and ground breaking tool in the fight against many types of attacks that tends to compromise cryptographic keys or inputs including the collision attack which is the main point of discussion for todays post.

The salting technique operates in such a way that it discourages any attackers from carrying out a collision attack because of how it operates by adding the random unique value, the salt alongside the hash output making it very expensive for anyone to cause a collision between even two identical inputs.


Another method, an effective one if I may add of preventing a collision attack on a blockchain network is basically by implementing and applying certain software measures that are practically considered to be secure or ensure and enhance the security of the network especially against collision attacks.

Some of these security or secure measures that are ultimately crucial in the protection or prevention of the network becoming victim to a collision attack starts by one, taking proper and careful steps or practices in the creation, usage and storage of our cryptographic keys.

A second of this measures or practices, basically involves the running or constant and regular check up or in this case audits on the network's software and its algorithms or programs to determine if there is any vulnerability or code, protocol or mechanism that is in need of a update or complete change so as to ensure the readiness of the network incase of any attempted collision attack.


Another effective method of preventing or fighting a collision attack is to perform any necessary cryptographic algorithmic, protocol or program update if there has been any noticeable need for it especially after running a network review or audit, this is to ensure that there is no weakspot for attackers to take advantage of.

Additionally, the need, significance and advantage of keeping our network up to date especially the security protocols and mechanisms can not be over emphasized, I believe it is even a part of regulatory compliance guidelines and regulations for networks to keep up with the latest advancement with security protocols.

Therefore, cryptographers and developers must keep their ear out incase they catch wind of any changes and advancement in security protocols and mechanisms of blockchain networks, by doing so no threat or attempts to compromise the network will be successful.



To conclude, I would like to say a very big thank to everyone, my fellow steemians who have made the effort to read and go through this post which I have made, and I hope that you found it enjoyable and quite informative all the significant methods in which I explained to use to combat and fight against collision attacks and its attackers.

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