Upvote And Downvote
Greetings from me to all users i am again came with the new post and the new thing that i has learned from steemit and that's the major thing of steemit platform and i am going to share about upvote and downvote.
Steemit is a blockchain platform and we share our bloggs in different communities and this platform support us viva votes.Steemit has two vote types upvote and downvote the first one is upvote basically upvote mean up mean support and like the post of other users.If i like any post of any user then i click on upvote and its mention as green sign.If we post our blog unique and quality then steemit give us upvote and its increase our reputation and also give us rewards.The upvote is that to support or like any user and give him/her a vote.We see many posts daily and also check that this post is upvoted and this is called upvote.
The second type of votes is called downvote as i said before steemit is blockchain platform and we share bloggs but steemit has some rules we can't break any rule we have to follow all the rules of steemit and here we can't cheat don't plagrized.If anyone did crime here then the user can get downvote from steemit and it destroy the reputation of account and then no one can give you support.And if i see any post that are against the steemit rules then i can give the user downvote.Downvote mean down and its mention as red option and downvote is called give downvote and dislike any post.