Clean Planet: How Do We Change People's Behavior??

in hive-150210 •  2 months ago 


This is not a cleaning activity but rather me asking a serious question that I wish someone could have an answer for, how do we change people's behavior? Because, I pass by here every single day, and I thought a lot about cleaning this place, the problem is; people will mess it up again, next day.


The shocking part is; this is a very affluent neighborhood, in fact this building on the other side is the National Bank of Egypt!!



I don't think a "cleaning activity' would solve the problem, because it's cleaned almost every day. But, people come again and throw their garbage.

I believe the only solution is to do something that would incentivise/prohibit/prevent people from throwing their trash here again, but what is it? I don't have a clue!

I've contributed to the cleaning activity before and I will do it a million other times in the future, because I believe that's one of the best impacts someone could leave behind, leaving a place better and cleaner!

But, as long as people's behavior stay the same, I wonder what is the point if it will happen again, and again, and again?

Nothing makes me feel worse about my country more than the trash, and that a lot of people have this habit of littering, maybe they never even think of it as a problem.

I know this might somehow a misrepresentation of my country which doesn't look like that everywhere, but mainly seller/shop owners/workers throw their trash and walk away, then other people come and see a pile of trash so they throw theirs as well.

I'm really upset, and I hope someday I could do something for my country and for everyone living anywhere that would help even partially for people not to see such a view, which is very disappointing....

Guys you've been making spectacular changes around the whole world, and I trust this community with helping me make a change. I'm ready and prepared to take actions! Waiting for your comments.

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