Conditions It Can Improve

in hive-150232 •  4 years ago 

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Couldn't be more surprised after learning about this brain electrodes. Might this be the answer people were looking for

Think of the other potentially lucrative areas Brain Electrodes could disrupt too. The Spinal Cord Stimulation Market were said it could advance to about $3.24 billion by 2024 at an estimated 7.5% CAGR. The Deep Brain Stimulation market could potentially move from about $500 million to nearly $6 billion.

But beyond the technologies, just think of the potential treatments it could possibly aid in and conditions it could potentially improve. Take the epilepsy surgery and brain tumor IOM markets, for example. Electrode technology could possibly be crucial to these treatments. It could have the potential to generate about $5 billion for epilepsy surgery and nearly $240 million for the brain tumor IOM market. Check disclaimer on profile and landing page

#pennystocks #nasdaqstocks #innovation #brain

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Reportedly, it could have an ability to be more precise in targeting tissue for ablation and stimulation.

Nice post it has so much information and great i found your post

Many people said that Psilocybin is the cool stuff that makes you feel high when you ingest magic mushrooms

These other companies are doing a really good job in medical innovations.

These other companies appear to not only be an unmet medical need but a potentially lucrative area that could save lives.

these other companies might have the potential solution to patients with epilepsy

accordingly, for nearly nine years, researchers at Lund University have been working on developing implantable electrodes that can capture signals from single neurons in the brain over a long period of time - without causing brain tissue damage.

it was said that the interpretation of depth recordings must be performed within the larger context of data provided from other aspects of the evaluation.

These other companies' Ablation Electrode product might possibly be an answer to laser technology

Where could you get one of these potential health benefits? Is it from undergoing surgeries?

According to studies, these technologies has high confidence in identifying seizure focus.

Reportedly, these other companies could possibly be associated with high manufacturing costs and frequent backorders

It was said that products now could possibly claim to represent an approximate of 41% of the total beverage

Looks like this revolutionary innovations could potentially solve problems in real-time

where are these ideas based from?

This technology could potentially be a big help.

this might help me us to be more energized?