Bread Pizza recipe Video - Replace your pizza base with Sliced bread

in hive-150243 •  4 years ago 

Don’t have a pizza base at home. No problem we at theuncook have a solution to that. Use the bread slices you have at home. It’s a great idea for two reasons. First its healthier than refined flour. Second, our taste buds are already familiar with the taste of the bread at home and is likely to be more palatable to us than the multi-grain pizza bases that are available in the supermarkets. My husband sometimes jokes and calls this my Baseless Pizza Recipe.


I would urge you to take this recipe seriously. Since this is not something, we throw in with left overs. Done right this dish can be healthier and tastier than the best pizza out there! All it takes is a few mins. This recipe is super easy and only take a few mins. A quick snack or a side dish, this recipe comes in handy. Not to mention it’s a great hit with kids and a useful device to get veggies into them.


You can use any kind of fillings. I used Vegetarian toppings in one and salami in one. You can easily add other veggies, ground meat, eggs, cottage cheese or tofu. You can experiment and play around.

If you don’t have mozerella cheese you can try using cheese slices.

I use Ghee for my cooking since its healthier and taste a lot better. You can replace it with cooking oil.


4 Multi-grain/whole wheat bread slices

1 Medium Onion Finely Chopped.

1 Medium Onion chopped into medium sizes.

1 tbsp grated garlic

½ cup chopped olives

2 cups grated cheese

½ cup corn

1 cup sliced cottage cheese/tofu

1 cup tomato puree.

Oregano seasoning

Italian Herb seasoning

Chilli flakes

1 tbsp Ghee / Olive Oil.

Salt as per taste

2 tsp sugar

Now find below the Videos to this Yum recipe. The adults enjoy this recipe and the kids absolutely love this !

Here is what is looks like finally. I hope you enjoyed this recipe. If you have any questions you can reach out to me via the comments section. I Will try my best to share.

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