"SEC-s20w3: Fitness Training 👉 quest for stronger legs"

in hive-150419 •  yesterday  (edited)

It's already week 4, and last week, abs exercises really got up with me in benefits. From the abs attack exercises done, particularly the Russian Twist, I was able to get two abs visible while the other four were concealed, except my abdomen is compressed before it's clearly seen. The abs attack really helped me in burning some belly fat, as my tummy size is reducing by the day.

It doesn't protrude after meals compared to before. That's when consistency comes into play because I didn't just stop when the challenge stopped. I challenged myself into doing it every day, even if it's 5-10 minutes.

Results don't come easy. I'll just have to mix the exercises with others and persist to get what I want. This week's quest for strong legs came at the right time because the economic situation of my country is worsening each growing day. The price of fuel has increased, thereby increasing the cost of transporting yourself from one place to another.

Some people have decided to keep their vehicles off and use their legs to trek long distances to curtail the expenses involved in transportation fares. So this week's challenge came in at the right time, and it has really built my leg's muscles and strengthened them in ways that can withstand pressure from the ground. How did I do this? The bullet points below tell everything.

Carry out warmups. Carry out cardio programs. You may choose from the week #1 programs. Increase in your repetitions or minutes compared to the ones you did in the past and let us know what you did and how many times.

In preparation for this program, I did warmups in terms of jumping jacks and stretches to relieve myself of unnecessary stress or fatigue that may be weighing me down somehow. After these warmups were done in 5 minutes, I took to doing some cardio programs but focused on two. The two I focused on were

  • running

  • mountain climbing

Running around the corners of my home for 5 minutes without a stomach was what I did to increase my heart rate and allow air circulation, as I did a lot of active and passive respiration. It wasn't that easy but was achievable by me.

Mountain climbing was the next. In the absence of a step board, I used the steps in front of my house to support my hands as my body was raised and legs taken back and front. It wasn't really easy, though, but attainable. I was able to break my old record to a new one. My phone was done that morning; if not, I would have videotaped myself doing it. I did it as early as possible to avoid onlookers and to absorb the cool breeze blowing that morning into my body.

5 minutesMountain climbing

This was my new record. I'll have to video myself the next time in case I break a new record above 5 minutes.

Include 2 or 3 abdominal programs as seen in week #2, and try to increase in repetitions or minutes compared to what you did the last week.

One major challenge I had last week was the Russian Twist. This was the hardest of all, as it involves tucking your stomach so tight and then twisting it from left to right. It wasn't that easy, and from the first video, you can see I didn't last long. I did Russian Twist and Plank this week that's just ending in our fitness centre, though everyone was just so busy and I didn't have anyone to capture or video me.

I just had to allow that day to pass till @kidi40 covers me when I'm covering him as well. These were the abdominal exercises I did to improve my abs. The plank was difficult this time, maybe because I've not been doing it for days. I just had to cope with or endure the pain that springs from doing planks on an empty stomach. It was an attainable one, though. I did it and moved on to the next program.

Carry out the leg exercises or programs listed above following the repetitions below

The leg exercises are made to strengthen our legs muscles, and the following exercises were what I worked on. Starting these leg exercises was difficult for me at first, but I had to endure because getting strong legs needs a measure of endurance. You'll feel the pain on your laps and waist for a week if you're doing it for the first time. This is what I felt doing squats, which is in fact the first program I did.


Squat is one major leg-strengthening exercise, as your legs and waist are actively involved. The main focus is on your legs, and that's exactly what I did. Squat is one exercise that involves suspending your entire body on your legs as you bring your butt down, sometimes below your laps or on your laps. These are the steps I took to ensure this was done properly and accurately.

  • To do a squat, I stood straight with my legs slightly extending to both sides.

  • I then kept the upright position while going down with my body.

  • I didn't bend my body but still kept it upright until my butt had attained a position as though I was sitting on a chair.

  • When I attained that position, I went up against and did that continuously, moving my legs front and back to build my butt.

The energy was placed on my legs as though my legs were moving a heavy object. I felt the pain on my thigh, and I did that continuously more than 8 times.


After resting for a while, I took to it again. I did the program 5 times with 10 repetitions. After I did the squat, my legs were shaking to show that I really did the program.


This is an exercise done with the legs and arms. It can be done with dumbbells or without them. The main focus is on the legs. The legs are placed in a position where weight would be felt. The pain was felt on my thighs and legs. This was done by placing one leg on a step board, holding a dumbbell with both hands, and then going down with your knee almost touching the ground. These were the steps I took to this this Lunges.

  • I placed my left leg on a step board and then adjusted my right leg behind me in a position where my heel is not touching the ground.

  • While standing upright, I took my dumbbell on both hands and then lowered my body and legs down in such a way that my right leg's knee is almost touching the ground.

  • I then took my body up without bending my arms and the dumbbells. That was how I did the lunges.

I did this exercise 5 sets with 8 repetitions this time around. It was stressful, but I had to endure. It wasn't as easy as I thought it would be, but I did it and completed the program.

Calf Raises

This was in fact the hardest of it all. At some point, I felt I wasn't actually the one doing the exercise. The pain reached my breath. This was done by stepping on a step board with your heels fully out of the step board. Attaining this position, you'll lift your legs in such a way that your heel goes up.

** You must attain balance the way I did so as not to fall. It was very painful lifting my legs up and down for more than 8 times. The pain was felt on my legs muscles**. If you notice, anytime my legs are up, there's a compression in my leg muscles. That was where I felt the excruciating pain. But how will I gain if I don't pass through pain?

Calf Raises
Step up

This is an exercise that involves the legs in active participation. The legs are doing the whole work while your body tends to support it. This is what I did and how I did this particular program. It wasn't that easy. It was as painful as calf raises. This was done by climbing a raised position up and down as if you're running, but you're maintaining a particular position. These are the steps.

Step up
  • I placed my right leg on a step board in a raised position and then kept my left leg down.

  • After this was attained, I took up the left leg to meet the right but didn't place it on the step board.

  • I bend my right leg and swing my hands around it before stepping down with just the left leg.

  • This was done continuously, and I felt the pain on my thigh and on my legs. I did this program on Monday and Friday. The picture as cover is evidence that my legs are really growing stronger.

Glute Bridge

This is a leg exercise that involves lying on the floor with your body placed upright. Your legs are tilted close to your butt as if they were bent. Then your body does the movement with your hands and legs as support. If you do this exercise, you'll find out that your legs are the major carriers of your entire body. Without the legs placed in such a position, it won't work.** So all you have to do is balance, as the legs are more active than other parts of the body, thus experiencing much pain**.

Glute Bridge

I did stretches to conclude the program, but my legs were still shaky, implying that I did great work and did it well. These are the results of my hard work during the week.

ProgramsCompletion Rate
Glute Bridge100%
Calf Raises95%
Step Up92%

The results are personal and partially seen physically. To me, I feel strong enough to use these legs to walk, run, and dance, and this was done when I went for a traditional marriage yesterday. I displayed my native dance in such a way that the energy was felt by onlookers. My legs really did the work and were strong enough to move around, as seen in the video, twerk, and jump sideways. I really tested the legs to fitness, and they were ready and fit as a result of my quest for strong legs.

Result of legs exercise

In conclusion, strong legs are needed by both genders in order to walk, run and dance effectively. Keeping your legs strong will help you accomplish a lot of locomotive activities that involve the legs without feeling tired or fatigued.

I invite @basil20, @goodybest and @whizzbro4eva

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¡Saludos amigo!🤗

Curiosamente siempre queremos ver resultados rápido pero, esto no es así ya que, todo entrenamiento requiere de un arduo trabajo pero, aquí lo más importante es que tú vas muy bien encaminado así que, sigue adelante y en el momento que menos los esperes, estarás viendo esos maravillosos resultados.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica... Un fuerte abrazo💚


Curated by : @lirvic