Your country's special day of remembrance? |@bhaiaslam|28 May,1998|steemCreated with Sketch.

in hive-150487 •  4 months ago  (edited)


Today, I am glad to join this contest because this includes a nostalgic approach to remembering that special day in your country. This contest helped me to move back in history to search for the most memorable day in the history of my country Pakistan. This contest also helped me to gather more information about that special day and therefore I'm very thankful to the creators.

My Country's Special Day of Remembrance 28, May 1998

The special day of remembrance in my country is the day when my beloved country Pakistan tested its nuclear program and became the world's 7th nuclear power. It was 3:15 P.M according to PST when the first atomic bomb was tested on the mountains of Chagi and there were 7 Atomic Bombs were explored on the mountains of Chagi. These tests were conducted in response to India because it is said that India was continuously threatening Pakistan because of its nuclear tests one after one. After the "Operation Shakti" at Pokhran, India was trying to put stress on Pakistan by showing its nuclear power. But the scientists of Pakistan were already working from day to night to reply to the threat.

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Role of Dr. A.Q Khan

Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan played an important role in fulfilling this mission. He was a metallurgical scientist, genius, and hard-working person who dedicated his life to Pakistan. He also made Pakistan the first Nuclear Country among all Muslim countries in the world. Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan is the most beloved personality in Pakistan, which is why he is considered a legend in the country's history. He was a great warrior who saved the nation from the Indian Crisis.

The Positive Role that Pakistan Played after becoming Nuclear Power

It should be also noted that Pakistan played an important role after becoming a nuclear power and that Pakistan never used any nuclear weapons against any country.

  • Stability in the Asian Reigon

By becoming a nuclear power, the region is stable because there was instability in that region after India became a nuclear power.

  • Use in Producing Electricity

Today, about 27% of the electricity is produced through the nuclear power plants which are working in the various regions of Pakistan.

  • Stopped using against Enemies

Pakistan never used atomic bombs against its enemies especially against India because this may create instability in the region. After all, Pakistan is a nuclear power and India is too and any clash between these countries could produce long-lasting effects in the Asian region.

  • Internation Recognition

Pakistan got more international recognition after becoming a nuclear power and this also enabled Pakistan to get more international attraction.

  • Safety & Security

Pakistan has atomic bombs and therefore, it is more safer country to travel to for foreign people because it is a nuclear power that can prevent itself from any external attack. In 2023, about 2.2 million people visited Pakistan to see the natural views and they all were safe in Pakistan.


The overall conclusion is that the May 28. 1998, is the most memorable day in the history of Pakistan that saved Pakistan from any external attack or crisis. Therefore, I explained this day in this blog. I hope that you will like this blog in this contest. Waiting for your feedback.


Blog by: @bhaiaslam
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