Getting Ready For Caturday!😽............. NW Cascade Wanderings

in hive-150487 β€’Β  15 hours agoΒ 

Happy Friday everybody! πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘

The weekend is finally ready to begin and I’m very happy about that! 😁

Today was a very busy and somewhat frenzied day, especially in the afternoon and despite having a couple of cancellations! A family converged on us. They wanted to purchase couple of pairs of glasses for their daughter. No biggie except her prescription was expired. The doc was able to see her but it also required the parent filling out an application for their insurance purchase order; my emailing it and waiting for the authorization number. Then we could order. In the meantime, the dad wanted an app as well and wanted to purchase OTC sunglasses and a pair of non- prescription safety glasses. Not having ever had anyone from this group want non-RX glasses before, I had to clear it with their office. It required several emails and eventually a phone call. All the while, the patients coming out of exams needed my attention as well. πŸ˜…

I’m just glad the day is done! Enjoy some nice Hoof fungus amongst other things!

And, finally, here’s Cot getting ready for Caturday! 😽😻 Take note of those fangs! 😸

Such a cutie! 😊

Tomorrow is a bit undecided, but I did get a text from a local coffee shop offering a free coffee at their new location! Free is good! It’s the same shop we went to when I got disgusted with Starbucks a couple weeks ago. It’s called Woods Coffee, and although I don’t care for their hot coffee at all, I do enjoy their mocha frappes! So, if it’s cold tomorrow when we go to get it, I’ll just crank the heat up in the car! 😁

That’s gonna be it for now. Take care and have an awesome weekend! Enjoy the rest of your day wherever you are! πŸ™πŸŒŽπŸ™


NLT Psalm 64:10

The godly will rejoice in the LORD
and find shelter in him.
And those who do what is right
will praise him.

Picture taken by me and altered by cliptocomic app

@elizabethbit is a member of ladiesofsgs4eva
a sweet group of lady stackers of SGH

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