Happy Caturday everybody! 😻 I caught Cot and Cyle in a rare moment of relaxing together by the fire last night. You can’t tell it from the picture, but Cyle is actually bigger than Cot. Cot however, it a bit more rounded, lol! Both boys are extremely lovable! 😻😽
Our day began a bit later than either of us planned. I’d set an alarm, but when it went off I turned it off and noticed @silvertop was sound asleep. A bit unusual for him as I am the one who doesn’t wake up. He had a severe allergy attack yesterday, and when it reaches the point it had gotten to, the only thing to do is take 2 Benadryl capsules. He did and slept only to wake up in the end with a ‘Benadryl hangover’.
We had planned to go get my coffee supplies so off to Bellingham we went. Good thing I was driving! Then it was off to the Home Depot for a couple items he needed. I found some pansies and purchased those. It’s early yet for flowers, but pansies are cold hardy and should survive well enough should we have a cold snap. Then it was off to Winco for some fresh produce.
We’d worked up a thirst for coffee with all that, so off to Lynden to Starbucks for coffee. ☕️😁
Then it was time to head home and unload the car and put things away. I didn’t take any pictures so I remembered the pictures from last weekend and our hike at Lynden City Park of the duck haven I forgot all about! So enjoy these ducky eye candies! 🦆
Bottoms up!
First date!
Out for a stroll!
Whispering sweet nothings!
Dear, you’d better hurry!
A quiet afternoon!
Last Caturday was much nicer than today weather wise. It rained today.
Tomorrow sees us headed to church in the morning. Then if it continues to rain, I might work on organizing my computer loft better.
That’s it for today. Take care; have a blessed Sunday and enjoy the rest of your day wherever you are! 🙏🌎🙏
Here’s one last picture of Cyle for Caturday!
NLT Matthew 6:33-34
Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.
“So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today.
Picture taken by me and altered by cliptocomic app
@elizabethbit is a member of ladiesofsgs4eva
a sweet group of lady stackers of SGH