What should you do if your friends often ask you to borrow money?

in hive-150487 •  6 days ago  (edited)


Friendship is a beautiful thing, for me I don't take my relationships for granted, and I really want to appreciate @boylikegirl.club for creating this contest. I would love to use this privilege to share tips that has helped my friendships and I balance our borrowing habits.



  • Set Clear Boundaries:

when one is ignorant about a thing abuse is inevitable

Politely but firmly explain that you need to manage your own finances and can’t continue lending money. Most times we ignore the fact that we need to bring to their notice that they've exceeded their boundaries and expect them to just realize that they need to stop borrowing, politely speak up and then you can Offer to help in other ways if possible.

  • Be Honest:

Honesty pays

If you’re uncomfortable with their borrowing habits, don't pretend to be happy with them and then gossip behind their backs,have an open conversation about how their actions are affecting you. It might help them understand your perspective

  • Consider Alternatives:

A friend that sticks closer than a brother(prov 18:24)

Instead of giving money, offer to help them find financial resources, seek out job opportunities, find out the reason why the borrowing habits keeps occurring, teach your business ideas to them or create a budget. This can be a way to support them without directly lending money.

  • Document Loans:

familiarity blindness

Most things due to familiarity,and trust, we tend to forget implementing laws that binds documentation. When you lend money, keep a record of the amount and any agreed-upon terms for repayment. This can help in discussions and remind both parties of the commitment, and also bridge future disagreements.

  • Evaluate the Friendship:

You can adjust

If the borrowing is straining the relationship, consider whether it’s worth continuing. Sometimes, adjusting the patterns of friendship is very necessary for your own well-being. Balancing friendship with financial boundaries can be challenging, but setting limits is important for maintaining a healthy relationship.


healthy friendship is the goal and we have to put in effort to make it work.

I want to invite @patjewel @wuddi @jovita30 to participate

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Nice. I would consider you a valuable friend. Not just for the money...

Wow,thank you sir😀