What's your opinion on DINK families? contest

in hive-150487 •  4 months ago 


What's my opinion? I think it's very good. No one should become a father or a mother who cannot teach their children the higher values of life. Spiritual values. So if a man and woman are simply concerned with sense pleasure and trying to enjoy as much as they can then definitely do not have children.

On the other hand, if a man and a woman desire to devote themselves s totally to serving others and choose a Platonic relationship then that is admirable. But celibate is not easy in the times we live in with so much distraction everywhere reinforcing the idea that enjoying temporary sense pleasure is the goal of life.

Young and married and choosing to not have children is unnatural. But it takes all types in this world. And there is something for everyone. The social structure in the industrialized nations allows for a variety of lifestyles. Homosex, heterosex (married or unmarried). Single women have as much freedom as single men to own a home, drive cars, work... So just put the DINKs in the pile.

I have friends who are married with two incomes and no children. But it is not their choice. There is a problem for them to try to conceive a child. They are trying but there is some medical problem. They could adopt but have not decided on this, at least not yet. One couple is is in their forties. The other couple is in their sixties so they will not be considering adoption. Too old. Both couples are very active in a spiritual community and have a sense of extended family in that way. So they are not DINKS per se.

I do think as a true DINK ages they will feel something seriously missing. Children take care of their aging parents. It's just practical. They will not have that. It's kind of like just spending your money rather than investing it. Trips here and there, excursions, cruises, fancy cars, clothes, jewelry, etc. while one's lifetime is slowly slipping away. Wasting time. Even if they save money for old age... the lifetime has slipped away.

But I do think it is better for people with this enjoy, enjoy, enjoy mentality to not have children. They may think it is their choice but I think they are not being allowed to have children. We think we are controlling things but actually we are pretty much controlled at every step. They are not allowed to have children. And it's a good thing.

Contest link: https://steemit.com/hive-150487/@boylikegirl.club/aidvoy0t4r

Invitations to: @hannah1997 @mamun123456 @asifanwar1

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No one should become a father or mother when not ready