What will you choose; Wealth or Looks

in hive-150487 •  8 months ago 

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Wealth or looks

Though I had already made my choice and tied the nuts or jumped over the broom depending on where you come from, I found this topic interesting and that is why I am participating in this Boylikegirl contest.

Two suitors, one is good-looking and the other is rich

Money is good to have, it makes love flow even better and a lack of money can make love go sour.
Money can provide comfort and security, conditions that reduces stress and gives a couple more time and oppotunity to express themselves romantically. Without the financial stability, a lot of time will be spent trying to care for basic needs, Leaving little or no time to express love in solid romantic gestures.
1000008593.jpg Money makes the love go round Pixabay Image
How did I even get entangled in this love that has the Wealth without any looks.

Looks create that initial attraction that grows in to love, so looks is important. I will need the looks when expressing romantic attachment, when going out in public places and showing him to my friends. The looks create the sparks, but looks without the money? honestly looks can not pay the bills. When needs come calling, and hunger pays visit with ill health and other responsibilities. We will not take looks to the bank, puting me between a rock and a hard place.

Other variables will have to be involved

I can not make the choice with only Wealth and looks, other qualities must be present at the background because looks and wealth are not my primary determining factors. They are important but not the focus.

If I am allowed to use his Wealth to affect his looks in the case of the wealthy suitor?, will he allow me to make him over so that he has the good looks? On the other side, could I myself have wealth such that the good looking suitor is covered by my wealth? Will he fell comfortable spending my money as I enjoy his good looks?

The challenge
Some men may not be comfortable having you 'fix' them physically of financially as this may create an unhealthy power dynamics capable of ruining the relationship as they may feel emasculated.

love is complex Pixabay Image

My Choice

Being that it's for love, and considering the dynamics of power and respect in relationships, if my heart beats faster for the good looking suitor and he has promising prospects and the potential, if he will be able to lovingly care for our needs, then that would be my man.


It is not easy to make this choice without bringing other qualities into consideration. Wealth alone is not enough and looks alone can not pay bills.

Contest invitation

I am inviting @josepha, @goodybest and @eliany

To read more about me

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What if mr goodlooking is attracting other girls and dumps you?