Freewrite: Chocolate

in hive-150487 •  5 days ago 

This is my short story based on the freewrite prompt.

When I was little there used to be this bakery in the old town. The people over there used to give the chocolates to the kids. And the way they used to keep people keep on coming. That kind of built the way for them to have some sustainable income. And that went on for a decade. And turns out this decade they got a notice they have to move on from that place.

Which means they are going to be taken down. The old couple had their kids taking care of them now. And they moved away. And the bakery is not there. Neither does my grandma who used to buy the biscuits and then everything just changed. All that is left in that side is the building that has no memory of the old store and old people who used to live there.

Coming in terms of these broken homes and things changed is hard.

Chocolate that I had in those times is not easy to forget.

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