Freewrite: She had a habit of taking showers in lemonade

in hive-150487 •  9 months ago 

This is my fictional story for the freewrite. I am posting it here to expand my footprint outside freewrite group.

Clara was into healing and cleaning negative energy of her clients. She used to read the future of the clients through Tarot cards and the Vedic charts. She recently had one client who was suffering through the ancestors curse. And she literally was walking with some sort of the misfortune. And though clara tried everything she can in her power. She had to give up considering the case was out of her control.


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Sometimes you give up on those people who you can't help with traditional methods. And Clara was not exorcist to get the spirits out nor she was expert in removing or nullifying the curses. So she turned down this client and then decided to get the bath in water to clean the negative energy she had on her due to this client touching her hands.

Whenever she used to handle cases like these, sshe had a habit of taking showers in lemonade. She also used the salt and long into water to reduce the negativity.

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Trying to heal someone's bad energy can break one. It's more healthy to let negative people shower, walk barefeet and don't let them hug trees. Trees don't like that. Did you know pets get literally sick?

