in hive-150487 •  18 hours ago 

“Another glimpse of the Madman across the water!”😳
“Dis good day to enjoy Big Pond Silbertop!”🐸
“Ummm……have you looked outside PEPE!”😅
Yesterday was a blue sky day!
I woke this morning to hear rain pounding on the glass skylight directly above our waterbed!😮
Sometimes you need to see things to believe…………
For PEPE this was one of those days Lol!😇
“Very cute Lady Frogs swimming in Big Pond today….Man!”🐸
“BIG storm coming ashore PEPE, I really doubt ANY Frogs are swimming today my friend Lol!”
I finally convinced my green friend that we would see better days soon, and we headed back to the Mountains and higher ground!😊
Cot was basking in front of the warm glowing wood stove…….😻
“Move over big Cat, we both share warm fire!”🐸
“See Silbertop…. dis much better idea, I take you to Big Pond on a Sunny day! You bring your pale skinned Lady along, so she get better shade of green tan!”🐸
Till tomorrow, and hopefully a sunnier day!😎
Silvertop Mike 😊

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