Can I go outside and play?😎
I was hiking past the Tiny House, and spotted my neighbor David shoveling compost for a raised garden bed……..
“Enjoy your hike Silvertop, they say the rain is coming back tomorrow!”😅
I’ve reached the point this Spring, that I try to not check the weather Lol!😇
With beautiful blue skies, it’s hard to believe rain is coming……….
I headed down “Slumbering Bear Trail”………
This trail drops down into an older, and usually darker section of the forest!
Today Sunbeams were filtering through the thick canopy of trees.
Soon, leaves will form on the Big Leaf Maple trees, and transform this trail into a shady retreat from the heat of the summer sun!😎
Today it was clear and cold…..🥶
Nighttime temperatures are in the 30’s just above freezing.
Just cold enough to remind you it’s still early March!
“David, some people are still saying we are going to have one more cold snap before Winter is over!”🙄
“ I hope not Silvertop, I’m starting to plant for the year!”😇
Don’t quote me, but I think David is correct!
Up at the trailhead, Keith was mowing the grass in his garden with his John Deere riding lawnmower!
I think Keith will agree, we have turned the page on “Old Man Winter” Lol!🤗
I finished my hike today, unlocked my front door, and was greeted by Cot, and Cyle!😻
“What’s up boys?”😊
“Alexa….. main floor temperature…….”
“Silvertop the main floor temperature is 60 degrees Fahrenheit!”
“Burrr……OK boys, Dad will light the fire in the wood stove, I guess it isn’t Summer just yet Lol!” 🥶
Till tomorrow, stay warm everyone, we are almost there…..Silvertop Mike😎
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