My Eccentric Princess desperately looked for a ball that they sometimes drop. One might find this to be a fairly weird thing to do, to my neighbour, but not to the Princess, who had decided that the idea was the most awesome idea. Who would have thought, a ball would be the thing that was selected.
My Eccentric Princess desperately desired a toilet brush that they would often drop. It was a fairly weird exercise, to you and me, but not to the Princess, who thinks that the idea was wonderful. Who would have imagined, a toilet brush would be the item chosen.
My Eccentric Princess needed a bat to sit and look at. This is certainly an odd operation, to me and my parents, but not to the Princess, who expected that the idea was wonderous. Honestly, a bat being the item opted for.
My Eccentric Princess desperately wanted a cucumber that they sometimes try to nail to the wall. This seems an extraordinary action, to you and me, but not to the Princess, who had come to the conclusion that this idea was stunning. Honestly, a cucumber being the chosen item.
My Eccentric Princess found a painting of a melon that they would occasionally break. It should have been an original thing to do, to everybody you know, but not to the Princess, who thought it was awe-inspring. You wouldnt have imagined, a painting of a melon being the thing opted for.
My Eccentric Princess desired a rubber johnny that they liked to try to nail to the wall. It might be a peculiar approach to life, to my grandma, but not to the Princess, who considered that this idea was out of this world. Who would have imagined, a rubber johnny would be the item chosen.