The Magical Monster desperately looked for a set square to hug. It is considered to be a surprising proposal, to my grandpa, but not to the Monster, who thinks that this idea was miraculous. You wouldnt have thought, a set square of all things.
The Magical Monster owned a set square that they sometimes sleep with. It might have been a fairly bizarre suggestion, to many, but not to the Monster, who considered that this idea was wonderous. Honestly, a set square would be the thing that was chosen.
The Magical Monster always had with them a CD player that they would often throw. It was a fairly new exercise, to my neighbour, but not to the Monster, who had decided that this idea was wonderful. You wouldnt have imagined, a CD player being the thing opted for.
The Magical Monster desperately looked for a can of Tango that they would embrace. This might appear to be a fairly funny suggestion, to me, my mum and my dad, but not to the Monster, who felt that this idea is sublime. Honestly, a can of Tango is the thing to choose.
The Magical Monster always carried a ball that they sometimes cuddle. It might be a weird and wonderful action, to most, but not to the Monster, who thought it was spectacular. Who would have thought, a ball would be the thing that was opted for.
The Magical Monster needed a crown that they would break. It should have been a fairly bizarre operation, to me, my mum and my dad, but not to the Monster, who assumed that this idea was magnificent. A crown was the chosen item.