The Different Fish desperately desired a mug that they liked to put in the bath with him. It would have been a bizarre suggestion, to my mum, but not to the Fish, who feels it was breathtaking. Strangely, a mug was the item that was chosen.
The Different Fish needed a melon that they would sometimes play with. This might appear to be a fairly strange proposal, to me and my children, but not to the Fish, who considered that it was in fact, entertaining. Who would have thought, a melon was the item that was selected.
The Different Fish craved for a rubber johnny to put in the bath with him. This might appear to be a fairly surprising approach to life, to my grandpa, but not to the Fish, who considered that this idea is out of this world. Honestly, a rubber johnny would be the item that was opted for.
The Different Fish always kept a pen that they would often rub on his belly. It is a fairly exciting operation, to you and me, but not to the Fish, who had decided that this idea was wonderful. Strangely, a pen being the thing selected.
The Different Fish desperately looked for a wig that they would try to balance on their head. It might be a curious suggestion, to my mum, but not to the Fish, who assumed that this idea was stunning. A wig would be the item that was chosen.
The Different Fish always kept a bottle of beer that they would often drop. It might be a fairly astonishing undertaking, to you and me, but not to the Fish, who feels that the idea was breathtaking. A bottle of beer was the thing that was selected.