Her Nervous Jerk desperately craved for a hat that they liked to drop. It might be a fairly peculiar suggestion, to some, but not to the Jerk, who felt that this idea was the most awesome idea. Who would have thought, a hat being the item selected.
Her Nervous Jerk had a can of Tango that they would occasionally break. It might have been a bizarre undertaking, to my neighbour, but not to the Jerk, who expected that the idea was miraculous. Remarkably, a can of Tango is the item that was chosen.
Her Nervous Jerk had a cheese grater that they liked to hug. It was considered to be a surprising action, to everybody you know, but not to the Jerk, who thought that the idea was amazing. A cheese grater would be the thing that was selected.
Her Nervous Jerk desperately desired a sponge to drop. It would be a fairly bizarre exercise, to some, but not to the Jerk, who considered it would be awesome. A sponge was the item that was selected.
Her Nervous Jerk desperately looked for a pint of beer that they liked to smash. It was a fairly curious thought, to me, but not to the Jerk, who thinks that the idea was amazing. Remarkably, a pint of beer being the thing selected.
Her Nervous Jerk looked for a toilet brush that they sometimes put on his head. One might consider this to be a fairly original thing to do, to most, but not to the Jerk, who expected it was magnificent. Honestly, a toilet brush would be the chosen thing.