Colourful Robin desperately needed a sword that they would sometimes share. This seems to be a weird and wonderful undertaking, to many, but not to the Robin, who feels that the idea was miraculous. You wouldnt have imagined, a sword being the thing selected.
Colourful Robin always had with them a lava lamp that they would cuddle. It was a bizarre approach to life, to many, but not to the Robin, who considered it would be the most awesome idea. You wouldnt have imagined, a lava lamp was the thing that was chosen.
Colourful Robin always had with them a bag of flour that they sometimes smash. One might find this to be an astonishing thought, to you and me, but not to the Robin, who thinks it was amazing. Strangely, a bag of flour being the item selected.
Colourful Robin desperately looked for a big sponge that they liked to demolish. It would be a fairly astonishing thing to do, to me and my children, but not to the Robin, who thought it would be awesome. Bizarrely, a big sponge is the thing that was chosen.
Colourful Robin wanted a can of Tango that they sometimes play with. One might say this is a strange suggestion, to me and my wife, but not to the Robin, who feels that it was in fact, out of this world. Who would have imagined, a can of Tango being the chosen thing.
Colourful Robin found a toilet brush that they liked to hug. This could be considered an extraordinary thought, to my dad, but not to the Robin, who thought it was wonderous. Who would have imagined, a toilet brush is the thing to select.