Her Colourful Poodle always kept a can of coke that they would often insert somewhere. This seems to be a fairly astonishing operation, to some, but not to the Poodle, who considered that it was in fact, the most awesome idea. Bizarrely, a can of coke would be the thing that was selected.
Her Colourful Poodle carried a bat that they would occasionally put on his head. It might have been a somewhat surprising operation, to you and me, but not to the Poodle, who expected that the idea was entertaining. Remarkably, a bat being the item opted for.
Her Colourful Poodle desired a ball that they would often hug. This seems to be a different action, to my mum, but not to the Poodle, who thought that the idea was breathtaking. A ball would be the item chosen.
Her Colourful Poodle found a helmet that they would cuddle. This seems a fairly astonishing idea, to you and me, but not to the Poodle, who had decided that this idea is breathtaking. Bizarrely, a helmet is the item that was chosen.
Her Colourful Poodle owned a block of cheese that they sometimes cuddle. One might find this to be a weird operation, to my grandma, but not to the Poodle, who thought it would be fun. Honestly, a block of cheese being the chosen item.
Her Colourful Poodle looked for a block of cheese that they would occasionally sit and look at. This seems to be an odd thing to do, to my neighbour, but not to the Poodle, who felt it would be epic. You wouldnt have imagined, a block of cheese was the chosen thing.