The Weary Princess looked for a mug that they would sometimes throw. It was a peculiar suggestion, to my dad, but not to the Princess, who expected that this idea is stunning. Bizarrely, a mug of all things.
The Weary Princess had a sword that they would smash. It would be a fairly new thing to do, to you, but not to the Princess, who assumed that this idea is awesome. You wouldnt have thought, a sword being the chosen item.
The Weary Princess found a pint of beer that they sometimes smash. One might consider this to be a fairly new undertaking, to some, but not to the Princess, who felt that it was in fact, stunning. You wouldnt have imagined, a pint of beer is the item that was chosen.
The Weary Princess desperately looked for a stretchman that they would experiment on. It is considered to be a curious exercise, to my neighbour, but not to the Princess, who assumed it would be amazing. Bizarrely, a stretchman would be the item that was selected.
The Weary Princess owned a little monkey that they sometimes embrace. This seems a fairly bizarre operation, to my grandpa, but not to the Princess, who had decided that it was in fact, fun. You wouldnt have thought, a little monkey being the chosen thing.
The Weary Princess found a set square that they would occasionally throw. It should have been a fairly exciting approach to life, to me, but not to the Princess, who thought that it was in fact, stunning. Honestly, a set square would be the item that was opted for.