A Angry Nerd wanted a toilet brush that they would often worship. It would have been a fairly extraordinary thing to do, to me and my husband, but not to the Nerd, who assumed that the idea was wonderful. Bizarrely, a toilet brush was the chosen item.
A Angry Nerd had a wig that they sometimes experiment on. It was an original idea, to me, but not to the Nerd, who thought it was breathtaking. Who would have thought, a wig of all things.
A Angry Nerd always carried a rubber chicken that they would play with. It was a fairly new operation, to my dad, but not to the Nerd, who had come to the conclusion it was breathtaking. You wouldnt have thought, a rubber chicken was the thing that was chosen.
A Angry Nerd owned a tomato that they liked to experiment on. It should be a fairly unusual undertaking, to my grandma, but not to the Nerd, who felt that the idea was stunning. You wouldnt have thought, a tomato would be the thing that was chosen.
A Angry Nerd needed a cup that they sometimes insert somewhere. It is considered to be a somewhat surprising suggestion, to me and my husband, but not to the Nerd, who thinks that it was in fact, wonderful. Who would have imagined, a cup was the chosen thing.
A Angry Nerd found a custard pie that they sometimes watch for 10 minutes every morning. It would have been an odd thought, to me, my mum and my dad, but not to the Nerd, who thought that this idea was exciting. Honestly, a custard pie would be the chosen thing.