A Handsome Fish always carried a bottle of beer that they would sometimes sleep with. It should have been a different thought, to me, my mum and my dad, but not to the Fish, who assumed that the idea was exciting. Honestly, a bottle of beer was the item that was chosen.
A Handsome Fish searched for a pen that they liked to watch for 10 minutes every morning. This seems a fairly extraordinary proposal, to me and my parents, but not to the Fish, who thought that it was in fact, spectacular. You wouldnt have imagined, a pen being the item selected.
A Handsome Fish looked for a mug that they would put in the bath with him. It was a new idea, to many, but not to the Fish, who thinks that this idea is entertaining. Who would have imagined, a mug would be the item chosen.
A Handsome Fish searched for a set of lego that they liked to put in the bath with him. It was a fairly new thing to do, to me, but not to the Fish, who feels that the idea was wonderous. Remarkably, a set of lego being the item opted for.
A Handsome Fish desperately desired a computer that they would often embrace. It was a weird action, to me and my wife, but not to the Fish, who thinks it was wonderful. A computer was the item that was chosen.
A Handsome Fish found a chocolate bar that they liked to rub on his belly. This seems to be an extraordinary proposal, to my grandma, but not to the Fish, who thought it would be awe-inspring. Who would have thought, a chocolate bar is the thing that was chosen.