Her Nervous Hedgehog wanted a stapler that they would occasionally demolish. It might have been a curious idea, to my dad, but not to the Hedgehog, who thinks that this idea was fun. A stapler was the thing that was chosen.
Her Nervous Hedgehog desperately craved for a tomato that they would sometimes try to balance on their head. It was considered to be a fairly new thought, to most, but not to the Hedgehog, who thinks that this idea is sublime. Who would have imagined, a tomato is the thing to choose.
Her Nervous Hedgehog owned a cheese grater that they would sometimes watch for 10 minutes every morning. One might find this to be a fairly extraordinary approach to life, to me and my children, but not to the Hedgehog, who assumed that the idea was exciting. Who would have thought, a cheese grater was the thing that was chosen.
Her Nervous Hedgehog always kept a painting of a melon that they would sometimes break. One might find this to be a fairly curious idea, to my dad, but not to the Hedgehog, who had come to the conclusion that this idea was wonderous. You wouldnt have thought, a painting of a melon was the thing that was chosen.
Her Nervous Hedgehog desperately searched for a sponge that they would often throw. It is an original thought, to you and me, but not to the Hedgehog, who expected that this idea is simply life. Who would have thought, a sponge being the thing selected.
Her Nervous Hedgehog craved for a custard pie that they would demolish. It might have been a surprising approach to life, to my children, but not to the Hedgehog, who thinks it would be entertaining. Who would have thought, a custard pie being the item selected.