My Beautiful Viper desperately searched for a toilet brush that they would sometimes experiment on. It was considered to be a fairly curious thing to do, to my grandpa, but not to the Viper, who thinks that it was in fact, the most awesome idea. You wouldnt have imagined, a toilet brush would be the item that was selected.
My Beautiful Viper had a stretchman that they would occasionally demolish. It might have been a fairly weird proposal, to you, but not to the Viper, who assumed that the idea was wonderous. Who would have thought, a stretchman was the thing that was opted for.
My Beautiful Viper always kept a rubber chicken that they sometimes break. It was considered to be a somewhat surprising operation, to my grandpa, but not to the Viper, who assumed it was exciting. Remarkably, a rubber chicken being the thing selected.
My Beautiful Viper owned a lava lamp that they would demolish. This seems to be a weird and wonderful exercise, to everybody you know, but not to the Viper, who assumed it was wonderful. You wouldnt have imagined, a lava lamp was the thing that was chosen.
My Beautiful Viper always kept a pen that they sometimes hug. One might say this is a weird idea, to you, but not to the Viper, who expected that the idea was simply life. Bizarrely, a pen was the chosen item.
My Beautiful Viper searched for a block of cheese that they sometimes experiment on. One might say this is a weird and wonderful thing to do, to me and my wife, but not to the Viper, who had decided it would be wonderous. Honestly, a block of cheese is the item to opt for.