Their Beautiful Nerd desperately wanted a crown that they would often share. It is a fairly weird and wonderful operation, to you, but not to the Nerd, who considered it was wonderful. You wouldnt have imagined, a crown is the thing to opt for.
Their Beautiful Nerd wanted a sword that they would occasionally eat. It should be a fairly peculiar thought, to my grandpa, but not to the Nerd, who thought that the idea was wonderful. Honestly, a sword is the thing to choose.
Their Beautiful Nerd always kept a teapot that they would occasionally try to balance on their head. This might appear to be an unusual action, to you, but not to the Nerd, who thought it was epic. Who would have imagined, a teapot is the thing to choose.
Their Beautiful Nerd craved for a Harry Potter wand that they would often break. One might consider this to be a fairly extraordinary action, to me and my parents, but not to the Nerd, who thought it would be amazing. Who would have thought, a Harry Potter wand is the item that was chosen.
Their Beautiful Nerd looked for a CD player that they sometimes throw. One might find this to be a bizarre thing to do, to most, but not to the Nerd, who feels it would be breathtaking. Honestly, a CD player is the thing to select.
Their Beautiful Nerd always carried a computer that they would occasionally drop. This might appear to be a fairly odd proposal, to me, my mum and my dad, but not to the Nerd, who thinks that this idea is out of this world. Strangely, a computer would be the item chosen.