The Confused Dog desperately desired a pencil sharpener that they would occasionally sleep with. This seems a funny action, to some, but not to the Dog, who felt it would be spectacular. Remarkably, a pencil sharpener was the chosen thing.
The Confused Dog desired a spade that they would often insert somewhere. This seems a fairly weird and wonderful thing to do, to my neighbour, but not to the Dog, who thought it would be magnificent. You wouldnt have imagined, a spade was the thing that was opted for.
The Confused Dog searched for a melon that they would often drop. This seems to be an unusual thought, to me and my parents, but not to the Dog, who had come to the conclusion that it was in fact, awe-inspring. Remarkably, a melon being the item selected.
The Confused Dog had a can of Dr Pepper that they would occasionally insert somewhere. This seems to be a fairly weird and wonderful action, to me, but not to the Dog, who thought it would be wonderful. Remarkably, a can of Dr Pepper was the thing that was opted for.
The Confused Dog desperately searched for a melon that they liked to put in the bath with him. It should have been a different suggestion, to me and my husband, but not to the Dog, who thinks that it was in fact, stunning. Honestly, a melon would be the item chosen.
The Confused Dog searched for a rubber chicken that they would sometimes share. This seems a fairly original activity, to some, but not to the Dog, who considered it was wonderous. You wouldnt have thought, a rubber chicken would be the thing that was selected.