A Angry Bear desired a cucumber that they would often rub on his belly. It was a fairly exciting operation, to my neighbour, but not to the Bear, who had decided that the idea was spectacular. Strangely, a cucumber is the item to choose.
A Angry Bear had a bag of flour that they sometimes insert somewhere. It is a peculiar proposal, to you and me, but not to the Bear, who assumed it would be fun. Remarkably, a bag of flour being the thing selected.
A Angry Bear searched for a pencil sharpener that they liked to sit and look at. This seems to be a fairly new thing to do, to most, but not to the Bear, who expected that this idea is magnificent. Who would have imagined, a pencil sharpener being the chosen item.
A Angry Bear desperately needed a toilet brush that they liked to eat. It should have been a curious exercise, to my dad, but not to the Bear, who expected that the idea was sublime. Bizarrely, a toilet brush was the item that was chosen.
A Angry Bear found a crown that they liked to try to balance on their head. It should be a fairly weird and wonderful suggestion, to me and my husband, but not to the Bear, who feels that this idea is amazing. You wouldnt have thought, a crown is the item to choose.
A Angry Bear needed a block of cheese to hug. This might appear to be a fairly unusual thought, to everybody you know, but not to the Bear, who expected it would be simply life. Who would have imagined, a block of cheese being the item opted for.