Their Energetic Pigeon needed a cheese grater that they would often try to balance on their head. One might say this is a fairly odd idea, to you, but not to the Pigeon, who thought that it was in fact, exciting. Who would have thought, a cheese grater having that done to it
Their Energetic Pigeon owned a melon that they liked to break. One might find this to be a strange thing to do, to me, my mum and my dad, but not to the Pigeon, who thought it was simply life. A melon would be the item that was opted for.
Their Energetic Pigeon desperately desired a pint of beer that they liked to sit and look at. One might say this is an exciting thing to do, to my grandma, but not to the Pigeon, who feels it was stunning. You wouldnt have thought, a pint of beer is the item that was chosen.
Their Energetic Pigeon looked for a computer that they would often drop. It would have been an original approach to life, to me and my husband, but not to the Pigeon, who had decided that the idea was entertaining. Who would have imagined, a computer being the thing opted for.
Their Energetic Pigeon desperately searched for a CD player that they would often worship. This could be considered a curious thing to do, to me and my husband, but not to the Pigeon, who felt that the idea was wonderous. You wouldnt have thought, a CD player is the thing to choose.
Their Energetic Pigeon desired a painting of a melon that they would often experiment on. It was a fairly exciting thought, to some, but not to the Pigeon, who felt that this idea is epic. You wouldnt have thought, a painting of a melon was the chosen item.