His Adventurous Prince desperately desired a pint of beer that they would occasionally play with. It might be a fairly peculiar idea, to many, but not to the Prince, who had come to the conclusion that the idea was amazing. Bizarrely, a pint of beer having that done to it
His Adventurous Prince desperately craved for a stapler that they liked to worship. It might be a different operation, to many, but not to the Prince, who considered that this idea was sublime. Bizarrely, a stapler is the item to select.
His Adventurous Prince desperately needed a can of Dr Pepper that they liked to sit and look at. One might consider this to be a different approach to life, to you, but not to the Prince, who assumed it would be epic. You wouldnt have imagined, a can of Dr Pepper would be the item that was opted for.
His Adventurous Prince desperately craved for a piece of paper to sit and look at. It might have been a new undertaking, to my neighbour, but not to the Prince, who had decided that it was in fact, exciting. Bizarrely, a piece of paper was the item that was selected.
His Adventurous Prince looked for a little monkey that they would sometimes sit and look at. It should be a fairly unusual proposal, to some, but not to the Prince, who expected it was out of this world. Remarkably, a little monkey is the item to opt for.
His Adventurous Prince desperately desired a melon that they liked to play with. It might have been a weird exercise, to some, but not to the Prince, who had come to the conclusion that this idea was breathtaking. Bizarrely, a melon being the chosen item.