Their Colourful Ogre always kept a cheese grater to sit and look at. It should have been a fairly odd activity, to my grandma, but not to the Ogre, who thinks that this idea was fun. Who would have imagined, a cheese grater is the item to opt for.
Their Colourful Ogre craved for a bag of poop to try to balance on their head. It might be a weird and wonderful undertaking, to you, but not to the Ogre, who thinks it would be breathtaking. Remarkably, a bag of poop was the item that was selected.
Their Colourful Ogre owned a painting of a melon that they would sometimes put on his head. It would be a fairly astonishing action, to my neighbour, but not to the Ogre, who considered that it was in fact, stunning. Honestly, a painting of a melon would be the item chosen.
Their Colourful Ogre looked for a chocolate bar that they would watch for 10 minutes every morning. It is a fairly curious activity, to my neighbour, but not to the Ogre, who thought that it was in fact, the most awesome idea. Who would have imagined, a chocolate bar was the thing that was chosen.
Their Colourful Ogre craved for a computer that they would try to nail to the wall. It was a fairly extraordinary exercise, to me and my parents, but not to the Ogre, who thought that this idea is epic. You wouldnt have thought, a computer is the thing that was chosen.
Their Colourful Ogre desperately searched for a helmet to drop. One might consider this to be a fairly peculiar undertaking, to my dad, but not to the Ogre, who thinks that this idea was amazing. Honestly, a helmet having that done to it