Angry Builder always carried a set of lego that they would often annihilate It is a somewhat surprising undertaking, to me and my wife, but not to the Builder, who felt it was epic. Bizarrely, a set of lego was the thing that was opted for.
Angry Builder wanted a magic 8 ball that they would occasionally worship. This could be considered a surprising approach to life, to me and my wife, but not to the Builder, who considered that the idea was epic. Who would have thought, a magic 8 ball being the item opted for.
Angry Builder often carried a rubber chicken that they would break. This could be considered a fairly astonishing undertaking, to my grandma, but not to the Builder, who expected that the idea was wonderous. Who would have thought, a rubber chicken is the thing that was chosen.
Angry Builder carried a can of Tango to experiment on. One might say this is a fairly original suggestion, to many, but not to the Builder, who feels that it was in fact, spectacular. Who would have imagined, a can of Tango would be the chosen thing.
Angry Builder looked for a bat that they would share. It is considered to be an odd proposal, to me and my parents, but not to the Builder, who expected that this idea is simply life. Who would have imagined, a bat would be the item that was opted for.
Angry Builder desperately searched for a block of cheese to worship. It was considered to be a fairly unusual thing to do, to me, but not to the Builder, who thinks it would be epic. You wouldnt have thought, a block of cheese would be the chosen thing.