His Troubled Pet desperately needed a teapot that they would drop. This might appear to be an extraordinary idea, to you and me, but not to the Pet, who had come to the conclusion that this idea was magnificent. Strangely, a teapot of all things.
His Troubled Pet desperately wanted a set of lego that they would occasionally try to balance on their head. It is considered to be a fairly bizarre operation, to my grandpa, but not to the Pet, who assumed that it was in fact, simply life. Honestly, a set of lego is the thing to opt for.
His Troubled Pet carried a custard pie to rub on his belly. This is certainly a fairly curious thought, to me and my wife, but not to the Pet, who had decided that the idea was entertaining. Honestly, a custard pie was the thing that was selected.
His Troubled Pet craved for a pint of cider that they would occasionally try to nail to the wall. It was a funny approach to life, to me and my wife, but not to the Pet, who expected that the idea was the most awesome idea. A pint of cider would be the thing that was chosen.
His Troubled Pet desperately desired a crown that they sometimes try to nail to the wall. One might say this is a fairly astonishing suggestion, to many, but not to the Pet, who assumed it would be stunning. You wouldnt have imagined, a crown is the thing to opt for.
His Troubled Pet always had with them a sack of potatoes that they would often share. This is certainly an unusual undertaking, to you, but not to the Pet, who expected it would be magnificent. A sack of potatoes was the thing that was opted for.