Their Stupid Bird always had with them a bottle of beer that they would occasionally demolish. It was considered to be a fairly strange undertaking, to many, but not to the Bird, who considered that the idea was the most awesome idea. Who would have imagined, a bottle of beer being the thing selected.
Their Stupid Bird desperately needed a can of Dr Pepper that they would often try to nail to the wall. It is a fairly new thing to do, to you, but not to the Bird, who expected that it was in fact, awe-inspring. Bizarrely, a can of Dr Pepper would be the thing that was opted for.
Their Stupid Bird carried a CD player that they sometimes play with. It would have been a fairly bizarre undertaking, to me, but not to the Bird, who thought that this idea is awesome. A CD player is the item that was chosen.
Their Stupid Bird desperately craved for a magic 8 ball that they would often drop. It was considered to be a fairly weird thing to do, to me and my parents, but not to the Bird, who had decided that this idea is miraculous. Strangely, a magic 8 ball would be the item chosen.
Their Stupid Bird desperately needed a hat that they sometimes smash. This could be considered a fairly extraordinary approach to life, to everybody you know, but not to the Bird, who expected that the idea was epic. Who would have thought, a hat would be the thing that was chosen.
Their Stupid Bird desperately desired a cucumber that they would put on his head. This seems a fairly new action, to you and me, but not to the Bird, who feels that this idea was awesome. You wouldnt have imagined, a cucumber would be the chosen thing.