Ugly Prince craved for a can of Tango that they would try to balance on their head. This might appear to be a fairly curious action, to me, but not to the Prince, who thought that this idea was exciting. Strangely, a can of Tango would be the item that was opted for.
Ugly Prince craved for a bottle of coke that they would sometimes try to balance on their head. This seems to be a fairly funny activity, to my grandpa, but not to the Prince, who felt that the idea was fun. Who would have thought, a bottle of coke is the item to select.
Ugly Prince desperately needed a sponge to hug. This might appear to be an original suggestion, to me, but not to the Prince, who had decided it was sublime. Who would have thought, a sponge would be the thing that was selected.
Ugly Prince searched for a block of cheese that they sometimes demolish. It was an extraordinary activity, to my grandma, but not to the Prince, who feels that the idea was spectacular. Who would have imagined, a block of cheese is the thing to select.
Ugly Prince found a custard pie that they would sometimes cuddle. It is considered to be a fairly odd approach to life, to everybody you know, but not to the Prince, who assumed that the idea was awesome. Who would have thought, a custard pie is the item to choose.
Ugly Prince desperately wanted a helmet that they would occasionally annihilate This seems a strange action, to most, but not to the Prince, who felt that this idea is awesome. A helmet is the item that was chosen.