The Lonely Baby craved for a set square that they would sometimes put down their trousers. It might have been an unusual activity, to some, but not to the Baby, who thought that this idea is sublime. Honestly, a set square is the item that was chosen.
The Lonely Baby desperately looked for a block of cheese that they would throw. It might have been a weird activity, to my children, but not to the Baby, who thought that this idea was epic. Honestly, a block of cheese being the item opted for.
The Lonely Baby looked for a stretchman that they sometimes play with. This seems to be a weird and wonderful activity, to my neighbour, but not to the Baby, who feels that it was in fact, spectacular. Remarkably, a stretchman having that done to it
The Lonely Baby often carried a piece of paper that they sometimes throw. It might be an astonishing proposal, to you and me, but not to the Baby, who feels that it was in fact, magnificent. Remarkably, a piece of paper is the item that was chosen.
The Lonely Baby desperately craved for a pint of cider that they would occasionally try to balance on their head. It was considered to be a strange operation, to many, but not to the Baby, who assumed that this idea was magnificent. Who would have thought, a pint of cider would be the thing that was chosen.
The Lonely Baby needed a little monkey that they would occasionally eat. One might say this is a weird and wonderful thought, to you and me, but not to the Baby, who considered that this idea is wonderous. Who would have thought, a little monkey being the thing selected.