Her Round Prince always carried a hat that they would often drop. It would be a fairly weird and wonderful undertaking, to my children, but not to the Prince, who assumed that the idea was awesome. Who would have thought, a hat having that done to it
Her Round Prince desperately craved for a block of cheese that they would sit and look at. This might appear to be a fairly exciting suggestion, to most, but not to the Prince, who considered that this idea was wonderful. Remarkably, a block of cheese is the item to opt for.
Her Round Prince needed a pencil sharpener that they liked to smash. It might have been a fairly curious operation, to you, but not to the Prince, who felt that this idea is awesome. Remarkably, a pencil sharpener was the item that was chosen.
Her Round Prince always carried a set square that they would drop. One might say this is a weird activity, to my mum, but not to the Prince, who felt that this idea was simply life. Who would have imagined, a set square being the chosen thing.
Her Round Prince searched for a pint of cider that they sometimes smash. This is certainly an astonishing thought, to me and my parents, but not to the Prince, who thought that this idea is the most awesome idea. Who would have imagined, a pint of cider would be the thing that was opted for.
Her Round Prince found a melon that they would occasionally insert somewhere. It would be a fairly extraordinary thing to do, to me and my parents, but not to the Prince, who expected that this idea is out of this world. Who would have imagined, a melon would be the thing that was selected.