A Nervous Eagle desperately needed a sponge that they sometimes smash. This is certainly a fairly exciting operation, to my mum, but not to the Eagle, who considered it would be awesome. Honestly, a sponge being the item opted for.
A Nervous Eagle desperately needed a teapot that they sometimes share. This seems a fairly unusual idea, to you and me, but not to the Eagle, who considered it would be breathtaking. You wouldnt have imagined, a teapot of all things.
A Nervous Eagle looked for a wig that they would occasionally try to balance on their head. It is a peculiar activity, to me and my children, but not to the Eagle, who thought that this idea was exciting. Honestly, a wig being the thing opted for.
A Nervous Eagle desperately craved for a sponge that they would occasionally sit and look at. It is an unusual thought, to my grandpa, but not to the Eagle, who expected that it was in fact, sublime. You wouldnt have thought, a sponge being the chosen item.
A Nervous Eagle craved for a magic 8 ball that they would smash. It is a surprising thing to do, to me and my husband, but not to the Eagle, who feels it was epic. Who would have thought, a magic 8 ball would be the thing that was chosen.
A Nervous Eagle desired a mug that they would often try to nail to the wall. One might find this to be a fairly bizarre activity, to some, but not to the Eagle, who thinks that the idea was awe-inspring. A mug is the thing to select.