The Orange Monster always had with them a set of lego that they would often sit and look at. It should have been a fairly weird operation, to my children, but not to the Monster, who feels that this idea was miraculous. Bizarrely, a set of lego being the chosen item.
The Orange Monster craved for a custard pie that they sometimes try to balance on their head. This might appear to be an astonishing approach to life, to my mum, but not to the Monster, who had decided it would be fun. A custard pie being the item opted for.
The Orange Monster found a sword that they would worship. This seems a fairly weird and wonderful action, to me, but not to the Monster, who thought that the idea was sublime. You wouldnt have imagined, a sword would be the item that was opted for.
The Orange Monster had a block of cheese that they would often share. It would be a fairly odd operation, to me, my mum and my dad, but not to the Monster, who feels that this idea was wonderous. Who would have imagined, a block of cheese is the thing that was chosen.
The Orange Monster needed a sponge that they liked to hug. It was considered to be a fairly extraordinary action, to me, but not to the Monster, who feels that this idea is amazing. Honestly, a sponge was the chosen item.
The Orange Monster desperately looked for a wig that they would embrace. This might appear to be a weird and wonderful proposal, to you and me, but not to the Monster, who considered that this idea is awesome. Bizarrely, a wig was the item that was chosen.