My Naughty Viper needed a radiator that they would occasionally experiment on. This seems a fairly unusual suggestion, to you, but not to the Viper, who considered it would be miraculous. You wouldnt have thought, a radiator being the chosen item.
My Naughty Viper needed a teapot that they would sometimes insert somewhere. It should be a fairly peculiar operation, to you, but not to the Viper, who assumed that this idea was the most awesome idea. You wouldnt have thought, a teapot being the item selected.
My Naughty Viper had a stapler that they would put down their trousers. It was considered to be a fairly strange proposal, to some, but not to the Viper, who thinks that the idea was spectacular. You wouldnt have thought, a stapler having that done to it
My Naughty Viper carried a sword that they would sometimes try to nail to the wall. This seems to be a new thing to do, to my children, but not to the Viper, who had decided that the idea was fun. Who would have imagined, a sword would be the item chosen.
My Naughty Viper desired a bottle of beer that they would occasionally put in the bath with him. It might be an astonishing undertaking, to me and my wife, but not to the Viper, who feels that the idea was exciting. Honestly, a bottle of beer was the item that was opted for.
My Naughty Viper desired a can of Tango that they sometimes demolish. It might have been a fairly different approach to life, to me, but not to the Viper, who expected it would be wonderous. A can of Tango was the chosen item.