The Big Bear desperately searched for a tomato that they would hug. This might appear to be a fairly new suggestion, to my neighbour, but not to the Bear, who considered that this idea is sublime. Who would have imagined, a tomato would be the thing that was chosen.
The Big Bear needed a chocolate bar that they sometimes share. This seems to be a somewhat surprising proposal, to my grandpa, but not to the Bear, who assumed that the idea was awe-inspring. Strangely, a chocolate bar was the item that was opted for.
The Big Bear found a toilet brush that they would often embrace. One might consider this to be a fairly unusual suggestion, to me, but not to the Bear, who expected that the idea was miraculous. A toilet brush would be the thing that was selected.
The Big Bear desperately wanted a pint of beer that they liked to demolish. This seems an extraordinary thing to do, to my neighbour, but not to the Bear, who feels that this idea was awe-inspring. Remarkably, a pint of beer being the item opted for.
The Big Bear craved for a helmet that they liked to throw. This might appear to be a fairly weird operation, to my mum, but not to the Bear, who thought that this idea is entertaining. A helmet would be the item chosen.
The Big Bear owned a teapot that they would sometimes annihilate It would be a curious idea, to my children, but not to the Bear, who thought it was entertaining. Who would have thought, a teapot was the chosen item.